Accessibility Statement

Hot Box Pretzels, LLC is committed to ensuring that our website hosted on Squarespace is accessible to all users, including those with disabilities. We strive to provide an inclusive and user-friendly online experience for everyone, regardless of their abilities or assistive technologies used.

Accessibility Features

Squarespace, our hosting platform, incorporates various accessibility features to enhance the usability of our website:

  1. Alternative Text: We have implemented descriptive alternative text for images, ensuring that users with visual impairments can understand the content.

  2. Keyboard Navigation: Our website built on Squarespace can be navigated easily using a keyboard, allowing users who cannot use a mouse to access all functionalities.

  3. Clear and Consistent Layout: The site offer clear and consistent layouts, making navigation easier for all users.

  4. Adjustable Text Size: Users can adjust the text size on our website to better suit their preferences using browser settings.

  5. Descriptive Links: Squarespace allows us to use descriptive link text to provide context and improve navigation for screen reader users.

  6. Accessible Forms: Forms created using Squarespace are designed to be accessible and user-friendly for individuals using assistive technologies.

Feedback and Support

We welcome feedback from users regarding the accessibility of our Squarespace website. If you encounter any accessibility barriers or have suggestions for improvement, please contact us using the information provided below.

Contact Us

If you have any questions, concerns, or feedback regarding the accessibility of our Squarespace website, please contact us:

Hot Box Pretzels, LLC

We are committed to continuously improving the accessibility of our Squarespace website to ensure that all users have equal access to information and services.

Thank you for visiting Hot Box Pretzels.