Hot Box Pretzels Bites kickstarter

Hello, Kickstarter community! My name is Roman Desmond. I’m 22 years old and I am the owner of Hot Box Pretzels, a unique pretzel food truck in North Florida. My journey started while I was on my second year of college and had an idea while bussing tables. I was serving giant pretzels and the look on people’s faces when I delivered them is what made me realize that there was a gap in the food truck industry and I wanted to build an innovative pretzel brand.  I am dedicated to using high-quality ingredients and creating innovative pretzel flavors that cater to all tastes.

Off I went to start a food truck hand-making unique giant pretzels!  Within one short year, I have personally built and customized 3 food trucks, two in Jacksonville Fl and my newest location serving the South Florida area.

You may recognize me from a popular Gordon Ramsay show called Food Stars! Due to Hot Box Pretzels' social media, I was asked to be a contestant on the show which lasted for 10 weeks and made it to the final 3!  What an incredible business experience, not to mention everything that I learned from Gordon Ramsay himself that I am putting into practice.

This is just the beginning of my story!  Thousands of happy people have experienced Hot Box Pretzels on location from our mobile food trucks and I now want to bring Hot Box Pretzels Bites to your doorstep!  I have been building a commercial kitchen, ready to launch within weeks, which will make it possible to ensure consistent quality and will enable us to experiment with new pretzel ideas and recipes and expand our product line.

The product that I am launching through this campaign is a grab-and-go snack pack of Pretzel Bites! These packs will contain a seasoning packet that will be poured into the bag to season the pretzels. We are still in the research and development phase of the flavoring packets. We will have sweet and savory options!